Istinomjer is an online platform for the monitoring and evaluation of responsibilities of public office holders and political parties in power. Truth-o-meter (Istinomjer) monitors the fulfilment of ruling parties’ preelection promisses on state and entity levels in BiH. The project has been ongoing for five years, covering the preelection promises for the past two election cycles. The research encompasess over 1500 party promises, requiring an excelent knowledge of government competencies, legislative processes, statistical analysis and analysis of the effects of government policies in the areas listed above.
Other than our main research, we have also conducted pilot-survey of preelection promises implementation in 10 municipalities (Local Truth-o-meter) for the 2012 Local elections, and an advocacy campaign for fulfillment of preelection promises, which produced 4 policy papers on this topic in the areas of employment, public spending, fighting corruption and youth policies.
Link: istinomjer.ba