
The project aims to unite four organizations from the Balkans (Center for Democratic Transition – Montenegro, MOST – Macedonia, Zasto NE? – Bosnia and Herzegovina and CRTA – Serbia) dealing with openness and accountability of state institutions in order to enable mutual learning and exchange of experiences. Also, this action will allow regional comparability between four countries in order to create competitive environment and space for joint improvement. This project builds onto success of previous project DURBIN (Good governance-better institutions) but it has a particular added value because of its regional character. In order to present monitoring data and recommendations CDT and partner organizations also prepared and published joint publication. It was distributed to each country before the final event – live stream conference. The publication contains information on legal frameworks in all four countries, the monitoring methodology and overview of results by countries, regional comparison, as well as recommendations and good practices identified through the project. The aim of this publication is to offer actual guidelines to state institutions and to enable them to improve the current situation regarding compliance with the good governance principles. The publication is printed in Montenegrin-Serbian-Bosnian and Macedonian languages. The printed versions were distributed to the participants of the live stream conference, held at the beginning of February 2014. They are also available online for download and free distribution1. The English version is available only online. The publication was promoted through social networks and other events organized by CDT and partner organizations.