Openness of institutions of Executive Power in the region and in Albania

Openness of institutions of Executive Power in the region and in Albania

In cooperation with partners from the regional network of NGOs ActionSEE, MJAFT! Movement prepared a policy paper in which we analyze a level of transparency, openness and accountability of executive power in the West Balkans region.
This paper is a result of a comprehensive research based on scientific methodology, conducted by the members of the ActionSEE network during the period from December 2017 to the end of February 2018. The purpose of the study was to present a comprehensive overview of the current state in the stated areas, and also contribute to the implementation of reforms in public administration, to influence strengthening the principles of good governance and aiding the institutions in their a more efficient implementation in their operations. We find that these are the aims we share with the institutions subject of research.
Policy proposal with its accompanying analysis is the second document of its kind. Following the conducted research, members of the network prepared the Recommendations for improvement of the openness of institutions of government for the last year.
Policies providing current state overview in the institutions of Albania and the region, including observed shortcomings and good practices in the area, were developed on the basis of results of research conducted in 2016. Upon the aforementioned analysis, recommendations and “road maps” for improvements in specific areas covered by the research were developed the previous year.
Members of the ActionSEE network undertook improvement and modification of the research methodology and its indicators on the basis of the results and findings from the monitoring conducted in the previous year, hoping that the new information obtained would contribute to better project results. The aim of using new and improved indicators is adding a new dimension to the research and more efficient approach to improvement of the openness of institutions in the region.
Possessing the knowledge, concrete results and the analysis of regional openness, and believing that the institutions of executive power would work on improvements in the area led by simply presented steps for making the improvements, we decided to advocate for the higher level of openness of the governmental institutions in the region. Therefore, this year’s research is upgraded by indicators advocating for higher standards in proactive transparency.

Openness policy must be adopted by all the governments in the region; it must be defined as all other important policies and not as a result of an instantaneous decision or as a current inclination of a government. Even though each country in the region has its own, specific political conditions in which it develops openness, there is considerable room for joint regional activities on improving the current state in the area.
Our proposal is addressed to decision-makers of the executive power in the regional countries on all levels: Government, ministries and all bodies of state administration. It can be useful for representatives of international institutions, as well as colleagues from NGOs who deal with these issues.
In order to achieve a higher quality public dialogue regarding these topics, we will organize a series of public events in which we will hear listen to the  opinions of all interested stakeholders and try to find joint sustainable solutions for development in this area.
In addition, we will respect the principles of the research transparency of research and inform the institutions of all details of its conducting and adopted conclusions.
We remain at your disposal for all suggestions, benevolent criticism, and discussion regarding our policy paper.

Please, click on the link for further information: Openness of Executive Power in Albania


The Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in South East Europe – ACTION SEE project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by Metamorphosis Foundation, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability, Citizens Association Why not?, Center for Democratic Transition, Open Data Kosovo (ODK) and Levizja Mjaft!.

The views in these papers are sole responsibility of the authors and researchers.